Saturday 9 November 2013

Design work

My Designs!

I worked on these three pieces as part of a project with La Signornia, creating a website layout. I worked in a team of four working on the layout and packaging designs. We wanted it to look professional but also have an elegant flow to the pages.

These designs were based on a campaign I did at College. The campaign was about vegetarianism, why people should become vegetarians and the cost of processing meat. It also explains the pain and suffering that animals go through for humans to eat such as cramped conditions.

Another project I worked on was on Subvertising, taking a logo of a company and editing it to create negative image.

I created this as a business logo, making it match the typography. The logo is an 'S' in the shape of a horse to portray the word 'Stallion' but could also act as the 'S' in the word Stallion.

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